
How to Dual Boot Windows 8 with Windows 7

How to Dual Boot Windows 8 with Windows 7 Your newly purchased computer or the one you just built has Windows 8 installed. You now want to install Windows 7 as a second operating system thus creating a Dual Boot computer and giving you the best of both worlds and full app compatibility as some of your Windows 7 applications may not be supported in a Windows 8 environment. Considerations before you start: A) If you purchased your Windows 8 computer: 1 - Installing Windows 7 may void your warrantee. Call the PC manufacture and ask !!! 2 - Installing Windows 7 may render your Windows 8 “Recovery Partition” useless. Before you start, contact the PC manufacture and obtain the “Recovery media” for Windows 8. Also ask the manufacture’s support team about activation when using recovery media as your new computer may no longer have a product key code sticker, Windows 8 uses a BIOS imbedded product key for activation. Partition arrangements on a computer purchased with Windows 8 may vary from ma...

Microsoft Office 2010 Professional Plus SP2 VL Full version free

Microsoft Office 2010 Professional Plus SP2 VL  An office suite featuring integrated software, servers and services designed for Microsoft Windows operating systems. With Microsoft Excel 2010, you can classify all of your financial issues and look at their general state of affairs. You can find out by using Microsoft Excel or Microsoft PowePoint all your research and resources to illustrate the image for colleagues or other engineers. Using the new Templates included in the new version of Microsoft Word It can create highly professional documents in accordance with the standards of the day  Confirmed. Download :  32-bit version Download Part 1 with Direct Link and 700 MB Download Part 2 with Direct Link and 624MB in size 64-bit version Download Part 1 with Direct Link and 700 MB Download Part 2 Direct Link and 700 MB Download Part 3 with direct link and 139 MB in size Activator Windows and Office Activator Ratiborus KMS Tools (Includes all enabled devices) Download with d...


NETWORK HACKING Network Hacking is generally means gathering information about domain by using tools like Telnet, NslookUp, Ping, Tracert, Netstat, etc. It also includes OS Fingerprinting, Port Scaning and Port Surfing using various tools. Ping :-  Ping is part of ICMP (Internet Control Message Protocol) which is used to troubleshoot TCP/IP networks. So, Ping is basically a command that allows you to check whether the host is alive or not. To ping a particular host the syntax is (at command prompt)-- c:/>ping example:- c:/>ping Various attributes used with 'Ping' command and their usage can be viewed by just typing  c:/>ping  at the command prompt. Netstat :-  It displays protocol statistics and current TCP/IP network connections. i.e. local address, remote address, port number, etc. It's syntax is (at command prompt)-- c:/>netstat -n Telnet :-  Telnet is a program which runs on TCP/IP. Using it we can connect to the remot...

How to manage or remove attribution widget from blogger

How to manage or remove attribution widget from blogger.   I tried many times to move attribution widget from layout from blogger but it is locked and it can't be moved without the changes in blogger templates so, come with me to move or remove widget from blogger template.                                 Steps :- 1.) Go to Blogger -> Template -> Edit template 2.) Press Ctrl+f inside the box. 3.) Inside search box write  attribution  and press enter. 4.) Then you see a line of widget with attribution. 5.) In the line you have to find  true . 6.) You have to change  true  with  false . 7.) Then save your Template. 8.) Finish. ( NOTE :  Please backup your template before doing anything.  ) I think now your work is done friends but if you have any doubt then you can contact me in comments and contact page,Thank You.

Android Device के कुछ छिपे हुए Features जो आपको जरुर जानने चाहिये

          आज मैं आपको आपके Android Device के कुछ छिपे हुए Features बताने जा रहा हूं, जो कि शायद आप नही जानते होंगे. 1. Smart Lock यह फीचर भी बड़े काम का है. इसके माध्यम से आप अपने फोन को सुरक्षित रख सकते हैं और समय भी बचा सकते हैं. आप अपने फोन में ट्रस्टेड प्लेस का विकल्प सेट कर सकते हैं. आप जिस जगह को ट्रस्टेड प्लेस में चुनेंगे वहां फोन खुद ही अनलॉक हो जाएगा और उस क्षेत्र से बाहर आते ही लॉक. जैसे घर को आपने ट्रस्टेड प्लेस चुना है तो घर में आते ही फोन खुद ही अनलॉक हो जाएगा. इतना ही नहीं स्मार्ट लॉक अपने फेस को सेट कर सकते हैं. आपका फोन आपका फेस देखकर ही खुलेगा. दूसरे के फेस से नहीं. यदि फिंगरप्रिंट सेंसर है तो भी आप ट्रस्टेड फेस सेट कर सकते हैं. स्मार्ट लॉक का विकल्प आपको फोन की सेटिंग में जाकर ​सिक्योरिटी के अंदर मिलेगा. 2. Developers Mode एंडरॉयड स्मार्टफोन में डेवलपर्स बेहद ही काम का फीचर है. इससे आप अपने फोन के यूआई में कई बड़े बदलाव कर सकते हैं. यह फीचर काफी छुपा हुआ होता है. एंडरॉयड फोन में डेवलपर्स मोड को आॅन करने के लिए आपको फोन सेटिंग में जाना है और वहा...

All key board shortcuts for windows operating system

All key board shortcuts for windows operating system ·                      Shift + F10 right-clicks. ·                      Win + L (XP Only): Locks keyboard. Similar to Lock Workstation. ·                      Win + F or F3: Open Find dialog. (All Files) F3 may not work in some applications which use F3 for their own find dialogs. ·                      Win + Control + F: Open Find dialog. (Computers) ·                      Win + U: Open Utility Manager. ·       ...